Boulder, Colorado



[Affirmations for Weight Loss] I Keep Moving

[Affirmations for Weight Loss] I Keep Moving

I keep moving.

I lead an active life.

I look for ways to burn more energy throughout the day. I reduce the amount of time that I spend sitting.

I stick to my workout program. I condition my heart and build my muscles. I develop a variety of activities that I enjoy. I run outdoors and on the treadmill. I lift weights and go to CrossFit classes. I do yoga and play sports.

I stand up while I am doing my usual tasks. I get on my feet while I brew coffee and talk on the phone.

I take more steps. I walk to work or ride my bike. I park further away from my destinations and travel the last distance on foot. I take the stairs instead of using the elevator or escalator.

I share my active lifestyle with others. I invite family and friends to work out with me. I sign up for group fitness classes. I chat with others online about my fitness goals.

I reorganize my home and workspace. I use my environment to create triggers that remind me to move around. I type at a standing desk and sit on an exercise ball. I keep a jump rope in my living room and do exercises during TV commercials.

I have fun. I treat my workouts like a game. I play music and dance around.

Today, I squeeze more exercise into my schedule. I engage my body and mind. I sit less and move more.

​Self-Reflection Questions

1. How can I add more physical activity to my workday?

2. How can I exercise when I am unable to go to the gym?

3. What is one new sport I want to try?

Need more support with your weight loss goals?

Click here to join my Trim-Life: 6-Week Weight Loss Program to stop stress eating and lose weight through the power of hypnosis and hypnotherapy. Only $197 when you register by February 25th!

6 Tips To Help You Get From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be

6 Tips To Help You Get From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be

6 Tips To Help You Get From Where You Are

To Where You Want To Be

Dr. Joe Vitale, motivational speaker and author, often says: “the fastest way to get where you want is to be happy with where you are.” Believe it or not, this mindset works! It may take some changes and soul searching on your part, but in the end, it’ll be more than worth it to adopt this positive mentality.

While you should strive to make your dreams come true, concentrate, also, on yourself and your journey. When you spend less time wishing things were different and more time accepting what you’ve got, you’ve already found a sense of peace and happiness right there.

Here are some tips that can help you become who you want to be right now:

1. Feel gratitude. When you concentrate on the big picture, it’s easier to exhibit feelings of gratitude. When you’re grateful, you remain positive and appreciative of every joyful moment in life.

Sometimes people get too caught up in a sense of entitlement, which leads to negative feelings. Concentrating on gratitude, instead, will get you where you desire.

2. Be optimistic. Some say that life is all about optimism. And it’s true! An optimistic attitude is one of the few things you need to succeed.

If you’re trying to achieve a concrete goal, optimism will help you accomplish it.

If you’re trying to change your mindset, optimism will make the task easier.

Optimism can be the driving force that keeps you going.

3. Exhibit the traits you desire. It was Gandhi who said that you should be the change you want to see in the world. With these wise words in mind, you can replace wanting with some bold action. With some persistence and perseverance, you can make it happen.

4. Adopt a prosperous mindset. Take a moment to determine what prosperity means to you. Are you hoping for money, a fulfilling career, or a relationship that lasts a lifetime? Know what you want, then adopt the right mindset. Once you do, you’ve then set yourself in the right direction toward your goals.

5. Find the silver lining. As you go through life, you will no doubt realize that things are not always going to go your way. But even in tough times you need to keep your chin up. Instead of allowing negativity to consume your life, seek out the silver lining. This fresh attitude can be the difference between being held hostage and achieving your goals.

6. Take small steps. When the place you’re going seems far away and unachievable, it’s important to break it down into small steps. Give yourself an achievable goal with a realistic time frame. Break that one down into smaller goals.

When you avoid getting overwhelmed, you’ll gain the confidence to persevere.

You’re Already There

It’s a good idea to practice one of these tips at a time until you’ve incorporated them into your life. Perhaps you can spend a week perfecting one strategy and, then the next week, add another one to your repertoire while continuing with the first one. Soon enough, you’ll be a natural at all of them!

Once you choose a powerful and positive mindset, you’ll find that you’ve already achieved much of what you want. Just remember: You already have the traits, mindset, and lifestyle you desire, and you know that success is inevitable, but only when you have the will to break through the obstacles in your mind!

Remember, you don’t have to break through obstacles alone.

My Hypnotherapy Mastermind group is intentionally designed by bringing together people who can benefit from one another’s knowledge and insight, offering support and challenge, as well as accountability, community, inspiration.

Hypnotherapy Mastermind is a small group of 5 people who meet on a regular basis in order to inspire and advise one another, as well as tackle challenges and work together to solve problems. Members of these groups lean on one another for accountability and inspiration, supporting one another on the difficulties of their communal challenges and putting their minds together to create new pathways forward.

The next Hypnotherapy Mastermind begins on March 23rd.

Click here to see the full program. 

Self-Mastery is the Ultimate Goal

Self-Mastery is the Ultimate Goal

What’s standing in the way of you reaching the level of success you desire, enjoying a great relationship, or feeling great in your body the first time? Is the problem that you don’t know enough? No. Is there too much competition? Not even close. The only obstacle is a lack of mastery over yourself. Don’t believe it?

You will.

Are you in great shape? Do you only eat healthy foods? Why not? Is it because you’re confused about which foods are healthy and which are not? Are you confused about whether it’s better to exercise by running down the block or by sitting on the couch?


You know enough to make significant changes in your life. Knowledge isn’t the challenge. The challenge is managing yourself and your behaviors.

Haven’t had a date in a year? Are you confused about how to get a date? The key to getting dates is to ask people out. How many people have you asked out in the last week? How many new people have you spoken to in the last week? Are you able to say the things that need to be said? Are you able to be silent when you know you should? Can you make yourself go to the gym or eat an apple instead of a piece of apple pie?

Mastering yourself is the only goal you need to achieve. From that, you can achieve all your other goals!

Use these strategies to become the master of yourself:

1. Make a list of the things you want to do each day to be successful, but aren’t. This list might include things like exercising, playing the piano for 20 minutes, drinking eight glasses of water, paying your bills, flossing, and making social connections.

2. Make a list of the things you do each day that take you away from your goals. Maybe you stay up too late, watch too much TV, waste time playing video games, smoke, and show up late to work. Think about all the things you do that sacrifice your health, career, finances, social life, and happiness.

3. Begin by addressing one item from each list. Slowly eliminate one of the negative items and add one of the positive items. Habits are challenging to change, but you’ve developed habits without even trying. Imagine what you can accomplish intentionally!

4. Have a long-term focus. Negative behaviors have short-term rewards. Eating ice cream or watching TV are rewarding immediately. They can be harmful in the long-term, but they pay off right now.

Adopt a long-term focus and consider the long-term implications of your behavior before you indulge in it. What will it cost you down the road if you don’t change?

Self-mastery is the key.

If you can master yourself, everything else becomes easy.

It’s easy to get ahead at work. It’s easy to be healthy. It’s easy to save money and maintain relationships.

Can you master yourself? Key your attention on the long-term impact of behaviors and avoid short-term pleasures that lead to long-term challenges.

Change, update, and rewire your bad habits with hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy is an effective and quick method to remove your blocks, limited self-beliefs, and unhealthy behaviors so you can reach your ultimate goal…Self-Mastery.

Schedule your free 30-minute initial consult here to learn how hypnotherapy can help you.

Using Affirmations to Discover the Joys in Your Life

Using Affirmations to Discover the Joys in Your Life

Affirmations are simple statements we can use to improve our self-esteem, help us reach a goal, break a bad habit, find love, or even discover joy in our lives. Positive affirmations work hand in hand with our subconscious to make lasting changes for the better.

Many times we may already experience joy, but we don’t celebrate it enough. Sadly, at other times, we aren’t even aware that it’s present. Positive affirmations can help you rediscover that joy, peace, health, and happiness!

Here are some examples of positive affirmations and how they can improve your life:

1. “I’m worth it!”

This positive affirmation tells us that we’re deserving of being happy. If you’re feeling dejected or worthless, this affirmation can work wonders.

By using this affirmation on a consistent basis and coupling it with an open heart, you’ll see results. You’ll realize that you’re more than deserving of happiness and joy.

2. “I go with the flow and my life is easy and filled with happiness.”

Are you feeling stuck in rut or completely stressed out? This is an effective positive affirmation that helps you to release all that tension.

This affirmation helps you rid your mind of negativity so the joy that’s present can shine through.

3. “I see the beauty in my surroundings and I radiate love and joy.”

This positive affirmation will help you to notice all that’s beautiful in this world. It will also teach you how to spread love and joy to those around you

You can enjoy everything this world has to offer; all you have to do is give yourself permission to celebrate!

4. “I now choose thoughts that nourish and support me in a loving manner.”

This will tell your subconscious that you’re serious and you want to make good, positive changes in your life.

This affirmation helps you open your mind to constructive thoughts so you can celebrate all the joys that life has to offer you.

5. “I can relax and accept the good that I know I deserve in my life.”

This is a positive affirmation that will help with your stress and patience.

No matter how long it may take, you can be confident that only good things await you. 

Even though you may be completely stressed out, this affirmation will help you to relax and slow down.

6. “I take time regularly to do the things that I love to do. I follow my heart and I am happy.”

This positive affirmation celebrates someone very important – you! You take the time to make yourself a priority and you’re an active player in your life!

To be happy is extremely important and joy will follow you wherever you go when you recite this affirmation frequently.

Joy is essential and our lives should be filled with it. Positive affirmations allow us to refocus our lives to a point where we can be happy again. Practice positive affirmations on a regular basis and celebrate all the joy that this life has to offer!