Boulder, Colorado



Are You Ready to Glow Up?

Are You Ready to Glow Up?

Boulder Hypnotherapy Institute is committed to exploring the leading-edge of consciousness, healing, and personal growth.

We do this by offering a wider and deeper map of consciousness that is expansive enough to hold our total experience – mind, body, spirit, shadow, and soul.

We Wake Up through meditation to wider perspectives of reality, we Grow Up through hypnotherapy as we heal the wounded child, the ego.

We Clean Up through Shadow work so that we view reality through an Accurate lens, cleaning up our projections both positive and negative.

We do all this to Show Up in the world so that we can offer our gifts and talents and live our life purpose.

Now, I’d like to introduce my evolution to this map of consciousness…

Glow Up

We do the work of healing our Souls so that we can shine our light as brightly as possible in the world, in the here and now.

We Glow Up through Soul Retrieval healing so that we resonate and vibrate at our highest frequency. Attracting all that we desire through the strength of our own energetic signature in the Kosmos.

If you’re ready to take this theory and put it into practice for transformational healing, you are invited to join Glow Up: A Soul Retrieval Intensive on September 24 – 26, 2021. This intensive is 100% online via Zoom.

During Glow Up: A Soul Retrieval Intensive you will receive:

  • A Soul Retrieval Script to Use with Your Clients
  • Your Own Soul Retrieval Healing Experience
  • Expertly Guided Instruction and Real-Time Practice
  • A Deeper Understanding of the Soul & Why Soul Loss Occurs
  • Ways to Recognize the Signs of Soul Loss in an Individual
  • The Importance of Soul Retrieval & Mending the Fragmented Self
  • Learn Concrete Steps to Integrate Soul Retrieval with Client Sessions
  • Receive Our Zoomnosis™ Checklist and Guide for Online Sessions
The Causes of Soul Loss

The Causes of Soul Loss

The Causes of Soul Loss

Soul loss can occur at any time in one’s life.

Soul loss occurs when a fragment of the soul leaves the body to help it cope with the shock from a traumatic event.

The trauma doesn’t necessarily have to be physical to cause a soul loss.

Emotional and psychological trauma can also cause significant soul loss in an individual.

Events that can cause soul loss in an individual are:

  • Accidents
  • Physical, sexual, or emotional abuse
  • Being in war
  • Major surgery
  • Community violence
  • Natural disasters
  • Breakup
  • Divorce
  • Death of a loved one
  • Being forced to act against one’s morals
  • Experiencing rejection
  • Repeated oppression
  • Bullying
  • Prolonged grief
  • Humiliating experience

Soul loss in childhood can have long-term consequences and can negatively affect the wellbeing of a person.

People can also go through soul loss in abusive relationships.

The reaction to a traumatic event can vary from person to person. The severity of soul loss symptoms may vary with different people. What causes a significant soul loss in one person may not cause soul loss in someone else.

A traumatic experience may be denied as something that negatively affects the natural condition of the soul. The response to a traumatic event would depend upon an individual’s background, their level of awareness, their personality, and the strength of their willpower.

Soul loss can also occur as a result of soul theft, where a person takes a part of the soul of another person to gain control over them and compensate for their soul loss.

Sometimes, in relationships, people give a part of their soul to someone else, in an attempt to form a deeper connection with them. Soul theft can also happen in cases where a person envies someone else and wishes to be like them.

If you’re ready to bring Soul Retrieval into your private practice, join us for Glow Up™: A Soul Retrieval Intensive – Reclaiming Pieces of the Fractured Self on September 24th – 26th.

Learn about soul loss, the causes of soul loss, soul retrieval, and the importance of mending the fragmented self.

Past Life Regression Therapy for Weight Loss

Past Life Regression Therapy for Weight Loss

Past Life Regression for Weight Loss

Do you struggle with weight?

Have you tried everything under the sun and still nothing works?

Is it difficult to be healthy at any size?

Sometimes the past holds the key to our present.

The same is true for weight loss.

With Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT), we regress the client using hypnosis to a previous life that holds the key to the client’s present life issue.

In that past life, the client discovers the reason for their weight issues in their current life.

Did they decide to use weight to protect themselves?

Did the client decide to use weight as a way to keep others away?

Did they make some other decision that is connected to their present life issue?

Once the client discovers the reason in their past life, we then guide the client to break the old bonds that keep them energetically tied to this way of being.

The result is freedom, liberation, clarity, peace of mind.

Now, who doesn’t want more of that in their lives?

I know your clients do.

Discover your own past lives and get certified while you do! Join our 3-Day Past Life Regression Training and Certification.