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Affirmations are simple statements we can use to improve our self-esteem, help us reach a goal, break a bad habit, find love, or even discover joy in our lives. Positive affirmations work hand in hand with our subconscious to make lasting changes for the better.
Many times we may already experience joy, but we don’t celebrate it enough. Sadly, at other times, we aren’t even aware that it’s present. Positive affirmations can help you rediscover that joy, peace, health, and happiness!
Here are some examples of positive affirmations and how they can improve your life:
1. “I’m worth it!”
This positive affirmation tells us that we’re deserving of being happy. If you’re feeling dejected or worthless, this affirmation can work wonders.
By using this affirmation on a consistent basis and coupling it with an open heart, you’ll see results. You’ll realize that you’re more than deserving of happiness and joy.
2. “I go with the flow and my life is easy and filled with happiness.”
Are you feeling stuck in rut or completely stressed out? This is an effective positive affirmation that helps you to release all that tension.
This affirmation helps you rid your mind of negativity so the joy that’s present can shine through.
3. “I see the beauty in my surroundings and I radiate love and joy.”
This positive affirmation will help you to notice all that’s beautiful in this world. It will also teach you how to spread love and joy to those around you
You can enjoy everything this world has to offer; all you have to do is give yourself permission to celebrate!
4. “I now choose thoughts that nourish and support me in a loving manner.”
This will tell your subconscious that you’re serious and you want to make good, positive changes in your life.
This affirmation helps you open your mind to constructive thoughts so you can celebrate all the joys that life has to offer you.
5. “I can relax and accept the good that I know I deserve in my life.”
This is a positive affirmation that will help with your stress and patience.
No matter how long it may take, you can be confident that only good things await you.
Even though you may be completely stressed out, this affirmation will help you to relax and slow down.
6. “I take time regularly to do the things that I love to do. I follow my heart and I am happy.”
This positive affirmation celebrates someone very important – you! You take the time to make yourself a priority and you’re an active player in your life!
To be happy is extremely important and joy will follow you wherever you go when you recite this affirmation frequently.
Joy is essential and our lives should be filled with it. Positive affirmations allow us to refocus our lives to a point where we can be happy again. Practice positive affirmations on a regular basis and celebrate all the joy that this life has to offer!
The emotions I experience are normal. I realize that I have a right to feel however I feel.
Usually, I am upbeat and satisfied with how my day goes.
Yet, there are times when certain events occur which set my emotions in a direction that lacks positivity.
Sometimes, I feel hurt about something someone says to me. They may treat me in a way that annoys me. Perhaps I notice something unexpected that triggers feelings of disappointment or anger.
When these situations occur, I remind myself that such events are a part of life and that I am the only one responsible for how I feel.
I consciously decide to adjust my feelings. I have confidence that I can control my emotions when a situation requires it.
In an uncomfortable situation, I can protect myself by quietly leaving the room. I can excuse myself to get a beverage or I can mention there is something I must take care of.
Refraining from making comments regarding the triggering event is usually best for me. This allows me to avoid further negative feelings of distress.
Today, I know I can take useful steps to protect my feelings.
My perseverance and strength of character ensure I can turn uncomfortable emotions into positive ones.
I live a contented life because I protect my emotions when it is necessary.
1. How often do I find myself feeling upset about something that happened in my day?
2. What steps do I take to protect my emotional self when such events occur?
3. How can I change how I react to negative situations?
I have plenty of reasons to feel grateful each day. I find beauty in many simple things in life. I can enjoy a sunrise, sunset, or a good book. I am grateful for the nature I see and experience each day.
Life provides endless opportunities to feel grateful every day.
Today is a great day to work on enhancing my life. I have many opportunities for self-enhancement. I can use today to better my life and become the person I want to be.
I am grateful for my friends and family. I am loved! I have other people to love. I have people I can count on. My friends and family are a huge source of gratitude and appreciation.
I am grateful for my health. My health might be short of perfection, but it could be much worse. I am grateful for all the things my mind and body are able to do. I enjoy using my mind and body in a variety of ways to enjoy my life and accomplish my goals.
Today, I appreciate all the things, people, and capabilities I have in my life. I am dedicating today to feeling grateful and expressing my gratitude. I am filled with gratitude today.
1. What can I choose to be grateful about in my life right now? What is great about my life?
2. What would I be grateful for if I had it in my life? What do I believe my life is lacking?
3. If I chose to feel grateful each day, how would that affect my outlook on life?
My emotions inform me that what I am doing or considering is worthy of further investigation. That is their only purpose. When something makes me feel good, I should figure out why. When something makes me feel bad, I should figure out why.
My emotions can lead me astray. That is why I refuse to allow my emotions to make decisions for me. My emotions simply inform me that I need to take a closer look.
The emotion of fear can cause me to miss out on many wonderful experiences and opportunities. When I feel fear, I take a rational look at the situation and decide if my feelings of fear are justified.
Pleasure can cause me to do silly things that make my future more challenging. When I feel pleasure, I take a rational look at the situation and decide if I am making the correct decision.
My emotions serve me. I avoid allowing my emotions to control me. My emotions are simply an alarm bell. I choose to make my final decisions with my intellect.
Today, I make good use of my emotions. I appreciate and accept my emotions, but I use logic and rational thinking to make decisions. I am an intelligent person, and I make excellent decisions.
1. When have I made a decision based on my reactivity and shot myself in the foot?
2. When have I done something that felt good in the short-term, but made my life more difficult in the long-term?
3. If I made my decisions from a balanced perspective, how would my life change?
Each day brings its share of stressful situations. I understand that I am unable to control what happens to me, but I am resolute in managing how I respond to situations.
This approach contributes to my continuing peace of mind. My reaction to situations dictates how well I am able to combat stress.
I know it is easy to get caught up in difficult situations at work. External factors can make my workplace untenable.
But I learn to separate the situation from the reaction. It is important to me to display a positive attitude to unfavorable circumstances.
I am convinced that how I respond determines the impact on my health and well-being.
There are times when stressful situations get the best of me. When that happens, I counteract that feeling with healthy activities.
Exercise at the end of a hard day makes me feel very relaxed.
Meditation and pampering also help me to unwind and release stress.
I treat myself to a long soak in the tub after a rough day.
Pampering helps me to forget the cares of my world.
Today, I manage my response to stress with positive techniques that work well for me.
Living a less stressful life keeps me youthful and vibrant. I want to maintain my peace of mind, so I do what is necessary for that to happen.
1. How do I cope with stressful situations?
2. Do I rely on the support of others to get through a challenging time?
3. How can I lessen the impact of a stressful issue?
I am worthy and complete.
I treat others with kindness and respect. I support and encourage my family and friends. I express my gratitude and hand out sincere compliments.
I give generously. I share my time, money, and talents. I volunteer in my community. I do favors without expecting anything in return.
I overcome challenges. I persevere through obstacles. I strive to beat my last performance. I am resilient and creative. I bounce back from hardships. I adapt to changing circumstances.
I learn from experience. I can make any event work to my advantage. I forgive myself and others for past disappointments. I believe in second chances.
I radiate confidence. I trust my judgment and abilities. I recognize my strengths and skills. I live by my own standards rather than comparing myself to others. I know that I can accomplish great things if I am willing to work for them.
I develop my spirituality. I meditate and pray. I read inspirational texts and participate in my community. I search for meaning and deepen my connection with something bigger than myself.
I am fun to be around. I feel comfortable laughing at myself. I see the comical side of difficult situations. I relieve tension and sadness with gentle humor.
Today, I accept and love myself for who I am. My sense of security comes from within. I contribute to the beauty and harmony in the world by living an authentic life.
1. What makes my life valuable?
2. How can I feel whole when I am experiencing doubts and fears?
3. How do my actions show that I appreciate myself?