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Many things get passed down from family to family. Things like inheritances and family heirlooms, genes and genetic conditions, physical characteristics, and in some cases trauma.
Generational trauma is trauma that isn’t just experienced by one person but extends from one generation to the next. “It can be silent, covert, and undefined, surfacing through nuances and inadvertently taught or implied throughout someone’s life from an early age onward.”
Everyone is susceptible to generational trauma. The symptoms of generational trauma may include:
“We know trauma can manifest itself through stress, anxiety, fight or flight, and other heightened alert systems in our brain and bodies, but intergenerational trauma can also mask itself through learned beliefs, behaviors, and patterns that become ingrained. This kind of wiring impacts personalities, relationships, parenting, communication, and views of the world.”
Multiple studies have found that children of Holocaust survivors are prone to worry, guilt and hypervigilance. Compared to others, they are more likely to assume the worst when something negative happens. They also frequently experience anxiety and nightmares.
Other studies have found similar symptoms in children of Vietnam war veterans. These symptoms often persist through adulthood.
Generational trauma, also known as intergenerational or ancestral trauma can go back one, two, fourteen generations or more. So we need to go back to the source of where it began. When did the client “inherit” the generational trauma? Was it during childhood? Or does the source of this ancestral trauma go way, way back?
During Past Life Regression therapy the client is able to experience the most relevant past life connected with the generational trauma. It is here that both Past Life Regression Therapist and client alike can discover together the contracts, agreements, vows, and yes, even trauma that they brought into this lifetime. It’s this moment in the Past Life Regression session that we bring healing to and break the agreement to continue in the ancestral trauma of suffering, bondage, abuse, pain, and addictions.
Bring more ancestral healing work to your private practice, your clients, and the world with Past Life Regression Training and Certification program. Save $400 when your register here.
Inheriting ancestral trauma doesn’t mean you’re stuck with it. The good news is that there are ways to “undo” the trauma of the past. If you feel weighed down by traumatic events in your family’s past, Past Life Regression therapy can help you.