Hypnotherapy Training Brochure
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The concept of the soul has been discussed since time began. The term soul has various meanings and connotations in different cultures, philosophies, and religious traditions.
In a general sense, the soul can be defined as the essence that gives rise to the consciousness of a living being. Souls are considered to be incorporeal, i.e., they transcend beyond a physical component. A soul is a distinct entity that can exist without a body.
The soul is the life energy; human bodies are contained within it. It gives awareness to the body. It provides the ability to think, sense, analyze, feel emotions and have memories. The soul expresses itself through a person’s personality. The soul connects a person to its higher purpose. It guides human beings towards wholeness.
Stressful situations are inevitable in life. An individual may go through many traumatic situations in the course of his or her life, which can leave a person feeling devastated and hopeless.
To help the body cope with extreme pain and prevent it from fully experiencing the impact of the trauma and ensure survival, a part of the soul leaves the body.
This process is known as soul loss. Every time a person goes through traumatic experiences, a part of the soul may leave to seek safety and protect the body from pain and suffering.
This part of the departed soul waits there to be reunited with the body.
The soul fragment takes the pain, the emotions, and the memory of the traumatic experience with itself.
While soul loss is considered a natural survival mechanism and it helps an individual cope with extreme shock and trauma, an ongoing soul loss can lead to some negative consequences.
When a soul fragment leaves the body, it can also lead to the loss of some aspects of the client’s personality such as strengths, skills, knowledge, and abilities. Soul loss may be temporary, and the soul fragment can return itself to the surfer’s body.
At other times, the soul fragment can be brought back to the body with the help of a trained spiritual healer.
Most of the time, people don’t address their soul loss and will live with reduced essence. The more the body loses its essence, the more susceptible it becomes to illnesses. When the body loses all of its essences, it leads to death.
In ancient times, soul retrieval healing would be done as soon as it was understood that there had been a soul loss. In modern times, many people spend large parts of their lives with significant soul loss. And since they are not in a state of wholeness, they deprive themselves of the opportunity to live a fulfilling life.
When an individual goes through extremely stressful and traumatic life experiences, and soul loss occurs, they will feel lost and disconnected. Soul loss is often unknowingly expressed through phrases such as ‘Something is missing’, ‘I’m not the same anymore’, ‘I feel stuck’, and ‘I don’t know what to do now’.
Other symptoms of soul loss include:
To get rid of negative feelings and all the void caused due to soul loss, many people choose unhealthy activities such as alcohol consumption, drug use, overeating, excessive shopping, and gambling. Any type of addiction is a symptom of significant soul loss in an individual.
Soul loss can occur at any time in one’s life. Soul loss occurs when a fragment of the soul leaves the body to help it cope with the shock from a traumatic event. The trauma doesn’t necessarily have to be physical to cause a soul loss. Emotional and psychological trauma can also cause significant soul loss in an individual.
Events that can cause soul loss in an individual are:
Soul loss in childhood can have long-term consequences and can negatively affect the well-being of a person.
People can also go through soul loss in abusive relationships.
The reaction to a traumatic event can vary from person to person. The severity of soul loss symptoms may vary with different people. What causes a significant soul loss in one person may not cause soul loss in someone else.
A traumatic experience may be defined as something that negatively affects the natural condition of the soul. The response to a traumatic event would depend upon an individual’s background, their level of awareness, their personality, and the strength of their willpower.
Soul loss can also occur as a result of soul theft, where a person takes a part of the soul of another person to gain control over them and compensate for their soul loss.
Sometimes, in relationships, people give a part of their soul to someone else, in an attempt to form a deeper connection with them. Soul theft can also happen in cases where a person envies someone else and wishes to be like them.
Soul retrieval is a spiritual practice of reintegrating the soul fragments into the person’s body that had left the body to seek safety in alternate realities, in response to various traumatic events. Soul retrieval is done to heal soul loss and recover one’s true self.
With the help of the soul retrieval technique, lost fragments of the soul can be retrieved by a person trained in spiritual healing.
A practitioner can perform a soul retrieval session remotely as well. In such cases, the physical presence of the client is not required, and the session can be done through a phone or video call.
The person undergoing the soul retrieval process must be completely willing and prepared for positive change. Even after a soul retrieval session, the individual needs to actively work on healing their soul, if it’s the first step in their healing journey. There are also many variations to a soul retrieval session; it may be performed differently with each individual.
A soul retrieval process can bring many positive changes to a person’s life. By reintegrating the soul fragments, an individual can enjoy benefits such as:
After the completion of the soul retrieval process, the client is also able to receive the skills, knowledge, strengths, and abilities that were taken by the soul fragments during soul loss. A soul retrieval session assists the person to restore wholeness, vitality, and a sense of joy in life.
Without soul retrieval, a person could be living with reduced essence. When a lot of this vital essence is lost, it can manifest as various illnesses.
A soul retrieval session can help an individual get better results with the therapy they may already be undergoing. And if they have already traveled a long way in their healing journey, a soul retrieval session will help them to complete it. It will allow them to live life to the fullest.
The effects of a soul retrieval session may vary. After a soul retrieval session, a person may immediately feel a sense of fullness and a surge of energy in their body. Sometimes it may take several months to fully experience the benefits of a soul retrieval session.
Soul fragmentation is defined as the phenomenon where the soul loses some of its parts due to trauma, shock, and ongoing sadness. The strength of the soul is reduced when the soul parts are lost.
Soul loss can lead to a feeling of incompleteness, and the sufferer may always feel like something is missing. Without mending the fragmented self, it can be hard to live a fulfilling life and feel at ease with oneself.
It negatively affects the sufferer’s quality of life and their ability to connect well with other people. Retrieving the lost soul fragments rids people of emotional suffering and brings them joy and peace.
Mending the fragmented self is essential to restore the physical, emotional, and spiritual balance in an individual. Retrieving the lost soul fragments will help a person feel empowered and reach their full potential.
Any traumatic event causes a part of the soul to split off and go to alternative realities to seek safety. Soul loss is a natural phenomenon that prevents a person from fully feeling the impact of trauma.
When fragments of the soul leave the body, it creates an inner void in an individual. In an attempt to be in a state of wholeness, these empty spaces attract other types of energy, and as a result, people become vulnerable to various forms of illnesses that hamper their quality of lives.
Although soul loss helps a person to survive an extremely traumatic experience, it can cause a person to feel incomplete.
The soul provides each one of us with life and vitality. Due to several types of traumatic events one endures in life, a soul becomes fragmented. To feel whole again, a person needs to heal their soul.
When the soul parts are returned, one can get back their power and essence. Without healing the soul, an individual may live with reduced essence. As a result, he or she may not be able to be in harmony and feel complete.
When the soul fragments leave the body, a person loses their passion, talents, creativity, and strengths.
Many people tend to suppress their feelings and resort to unhealthy behavior to fill their inner void. To heal one’s soul, a person needs to be aware of themselves and determine if there has been soul loss.
Healing the soul is essential to maintaining inner balance and to be in harmony. Healing techniques can help a person develop a better relationship with themselves as well as with others. They become able to experience wholeness again. With a sense of completeness, a person can love themselves again, feel more confident, help others, and celebrate life.
Until the soul parts are returned to the body, therapy may not be effective, since it only treats the available parts. To heal the body completely, the lost soul fragments need to come back to the body.
The process of healing the soul can begin with finding the root cause of soul loss and taking steps to transform the soul and the body. A soul retrieval session can enable a person to make positive life changes to be in sync with their divine essence.
After the soul fragments have been returned to an individual, they need to continue the healing process to fully integrate their soul parts. One needs to keep working with the soul parts that have returned to the body.
Meta Hypnotherapy is a one-of-a-kind training program designed from the ground up to be delivered online in the most effective way possible for optimal learning, connection, and inclusivity.
Join our 5-Day Hypnotherapy Training and Certification program and get certified as a Clinical Hypnotherapist.
Already a hypnotherapist? Ready for the deep end?
Join our next Past Life Regression Training. Discover your own past lives and get certified while you do.
Join our Level Two Advanced Spiritual Regression Training and Certification program and get certified as an Advanced Spiritual Regression Specialist.
This opportunity is especially for you if you’re:
1. Passionate about making a positive impact: and you’re ready to play a far more meaningful role in supporting, uplifting, and transforming your friends, family, community, and even all of humanity.
2. Looking to level up your career and performance: because you know that in a changing world, the answer to future-proof success, wealth, and expansion is in mastering new skills and stepping out of your comfort zone.
3. Searching for the keys to freedom: the freedom to do what you love instead of settling for a paycheck, to live with total clarity of purpose, and to design your life on nobody’s terms but your own.
4. A new or experienced hypnotherapist who feels something’s missing: like maybe you’re not earning or attracting clients at the level you want to, you’re not satisfied with the tools you’ve been given, or you’re struggling with the business side of hypnotherapy.
“Where ‘IT’ was, there shall ‘I’ become.” Sigmund Freud
The “shadow” refers to aspects of ourselves that have become disowned, broken off, or pushed into the unconscious. One of the most important goals of healthy integrated living is to recognize and reclaim these broken pieces of ourselves, and to reintegrate them back into our total self-system so that we can become less reactive, more responsive, and more fulfilled. In other words, we do shadow work so that we can become whole again, to become more of ourselves, to re-own and reintegrate all those splintered pieces of ourselves that we may have unconsciously pushed away over the course of our lives.
Carl Jung called your submerged creative potential the “Golden Shadow.” You can discover your golden shadow in your intense admiration of other people. The bright qualities that you admire in others represent the disowned aspects of your unlimited potential. The Golden Shadow is your submerged greatness.
In Meta Hypnotherapy we work with the client to move from dissociation to integration including both the darker and lighter aspects of the self. This is a more integrated approach to shadow work.
A crucial aspect of any hypnotherapy modality is a way to be profoundly honest with ourselves about our shadow, or unconscious, or false self, or dishonesty, or disowned self. The 3-2-1 Process is a simple and effective tool for working with the shadow — any part of ourselves that we unconsciously repress or deny.
The 3-2-1 Process uses shifts in perspective as a way of identifying and integrating shadow material. “3-2-1” refers to 3rd-person, 2nd-person, and 1st-person — the perspectives that we move through in this exercise.
Each part that we disown is at first an aspect of our “I” or 1st-person awareness. But, for whatever reason, that aspect poses a threat. So we push it outside of ourselves, often onto someone else. It’s important to note that the aspect can be positive or negative. We can disown both lower and higher aspects of ourselves. In either case, we project it as you . . . but not me. “You are angry.” “You are being selfish.” “You are worthy,” etc. In other words, we displace it from a 1st-person I to a 2nd-person you.
If the threat of this emotion or situation becomes so great it requires a total rejection, we banish it totally as a 3rd-person It, stripped of humanity. At that point, we can often recognize shadow as a sense of irritation, reactivity, fear, phobia, rage, or aversion toward things… but we don’t really know why.
Under these circumstances, most forms of meditation won’t help; in fact, they’ll make things worse. They recommend dis-identification from experience, when what is necessary first is RE-identification with disowned dimensions of our experience and ourselves. You can only let go of that which you have first owned. Meditation instructions to “observe all experience and to know that consciousness is independent and free from experience” don’t work with experience from which we’re dissociated. Healthy disidentification is only possible once we’ve re-owned, re-associated, and re-identified with the disowned parts of ourselves. For this reason, there’s no substitute for shadow work. That’s why shadow work is a core component of Meta Hypnotherapy.
To sum up, dissociation proceeds from 1st-person to 2nd-person to 3rd-person: 1-2-3. The reversal of dissociation thus goes from 3 to 2 to 1. Hence, the 3-2-1 Process. We also summarize this process as: Face it (3), Talk to it (2), and finally, BE it (1).
The 3-2-1 Shadow process is an integral part of our Meta Hypnotherapy methodology. Consider the 3-2-1 process like a “back pocket” practice – something that you can use in the moment when you feel triggered or unable to regulate big emotions.
Hypnotherapy is a great way to go deeper with shadow work and uncovers the unconscious forces that drive you to think, feel, and behave the way you do.
As Carl Jung said, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
Meta Hypnotherapy is a one-of-a-kind training program designed from the ground up to be delivered online in the most effective way possible for optimal learning, connection, and inclusivity.
Join our 5-Day Hypnotherapy Training and Certification program and get certified as a Clinical Hypnotherapist.
Already a hypnotherapist? Ready for the deep end?
Join our next Past Life Regression Training. Discover your own past lives and get certified while you do.
Join our Level Two Advanced Spiritual Regression Training and Certification program and get certified as an Advanced Spiritual Regression Specialist.
This opportunity is especially for you if you’re:
1. Passionate about making a positive impact: and you’re ready to play a far more meaningful role in supporting, uplifting, and transforming your friends, family, community, and even all of humanity.
2. Looking to level up your career and performance: because you know that in a changing world, the answer to future-proof success, wealth, and expansion is in mastering new skills and stepping out of your comfort zone.
3. Searching for the keys to freedom: the freedom to do what you love instead of settling for a paycheck, to live with total clarity of purpose, and to design your life on nobody’s terms but your own.
4. A new or experienced hypnotherapist who feels something’s missing: like maybe you’re not earning or attracting clients at the level you want to, you’re not satisfied with the tools you’ve been given, or you’re struggling with the business side of hypnotherapy.
During the last 30 years, we have witnessed a historical first: all of the world’s cultures are now available to us. Knowledge itself is now global. This means that, for the first time, the sum total of human knowledge is available to us—the knowledge, experience, wisdom, and reflection of all major human civilizations—premodern, modern, and postmodern—are open to study by anyone.
What if we took literally everything that all the various cultures have to tell us about human potential—about spiritual growth, psychological growth, social growth—and put it all on the table?
What if we attempted to find the critically essential keys to human growth, based on the sum total of human knowledge now open to us?
What if we attempted, based on extensive cross-cultural study, to use all of the world’s great traditions to create a composite map, a comprehensive map, an all-inclusive or integral map that included the best elements from all of them?
This map uses all the known systems and models of human growth—from the ancient shamans and sages to today’s breakthroughs in cognitive science—and distills their major components into 5 simple factors, factors that are the essential elements or keys to unlocking and facilitating human evolution.
We took this Integral map created by Ken Wilber – known as the “Einstein of Conscousiness” – and applied it to the field of hypnotherapy itself.
Welcome to Meta Hypnotherapy.
During this 5-day hypnotherapy training and certification course, you’ll learn the five essential keys to unlocking and facilitating your own human evolution and those that you serve.
Not only that, but you’ll also learn how to apply Meta Hypnotherapy to every aspect of your life— from work to relationships, spiritual practice to health and well-being.
We are the only hypnotherapy training and certification course that teaches you the most comprehensive map of human consciousness available. Without an excellent map, it’s easy to get lost in the territory of the mind. We teach you both the map and how to navigate the territory of consciousness itself for optimal healing of self, society, and Spirit.
One of the great aims of Meta Hypnotherapy is to integrate the split between body, mind, and spirit.
The Great Wisdom traditions of the East focus specifically on the spiritual development of the self through awakening practices such as meditation, yoga, and chanting as a way to connect with the Universe. By accessing these ever-deepening states of consciousness, one is able to experience oneness and even unity consciousness.
While the gifts of the West offer us breakthroughs in science and technology and focus on the psychological development of the ego as a way to self-actualization.
So which one is the right path to follow?
For so long, we either focused on our spiritual development (East) or we focused on our personal healing work (West). Never before has there been a time in history where we have the opportunity to focus on both our spiritual development and our ego development at the same time as we do now.
Waking Up is one form of growth and development that we use in our Meta Hypnotherapy process. Waking Up refers to our spiritual development and how our spiritual development unfolds in ever-greater and wider states of consciousness – from Gross, Subtle, Causal, to Non-Dual states of consciousness.
Growing Up is the second form of growth and development that we focus on in Meta Hypnotherapy. Growing up refers to our psychological development from egocentric to ethnocentric to world-centric stages of development.
So what happens when you focus on both your spiritual development and your psychological development at the same time?
You heal and grow faster in both your spiritual development and your psychological development than you would if you only focused on one – which makes this approach more effective and efficient at catapulting your clients into their next evolutionary phase of growth and development.
Meta Hypnotherapy integrates clinical hypnotherapy and spiritual regression for optimum healing, growth, and transformation and is powered by the most comprehensive map of consciousness available.
During this 5-day hypnotherapy training and certification course, you’ll learn the five essential keys to unlocking and facilitating your own human evolution and those that you serve.
Not only that, but you’ll also learn how to apply Meta Hypnotherapy to every aspect of your life— from work to relationships, spiritual practice to health and well-being.
We are the only hypnotherapy training and certification course that teaches you the most comprehensive map of human consciousness available. Without an excellent map, it’s easy to get lost in the territory of the mind. We teach you both the map and how to navigate the territory of consciousness itself.
Let’s transform lives with hypnotherapy together!
Meta Hypnotherapy is a one-of-a-kind training program designed from the ground up to be delivered online in the most effective way possible for optimal learning, connection, and inclusivity.
Join our 5-Day Hypnotherapy Training and Certification program and get certified as a Clinical Hypnotherapist.
Already a hypnotherapist? Ready for the deep end?
Join our Level Two Advanced Spiritual Regression Training and Certification program and get certified as an Advanced Spiritual Regression Specialist.
This opportunity is especially for you if you’re:
1. Passionate about making a positive impact: and you’re ready to play a far more meaningful role in supporting, uplifting, and transforming your friends, family, community, and even all of humanity.
2. Looking to level up your career and performance: because you know that in a changing world, the answer to future-proof success, wealth, and expansion is in mastering new skills and stepping out of your comfort zone.
3. Searching for the keys to freedom: the freedom to do what you love instead of settling for a paycheck, to live with total clarity of purpose, and to design your life on nobody’s terms but your own.
4. A new or experienced hypnotherapist who feels something’s missing: like maybe you’re not earning or attracting clients at the level you want to, you’re not satisfied with the tools you’ve been given, or you’re struggling with the business side of hypnotherapy.
Think of your mind as a computer. This computer is divided into two parts – the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. The conscious mind is 10% of the mind and its main function is to analyze, compute, judge, process, etc…
The subconscious mind is 90% of the mind and is the database of all of our feelings, emotions, behaviors, habits, bodily functions, beliefs, programming, and patterns – both effective and problematic.
With hypnotherapy, we are able to access the subconscious mind directly to update your internal operating system (iOS). Not only that, but we can also remove the buggy programs that are no longer running properly (i.e. limiting thoughts and beliefs and negative behaviors, patterns, and emotions) and replace them with new, updated programs so that you are able to live the life you most want for yourself – free from your subconscious programming.
This is what’s called reprogramming the mind. Just like we reprogram our computers to run better, faster, and smarter, we can do the same thing with our minds. And just like we continually innovate and improve on the software programs our computers run, we can improve our behaviors, actions, and the ways we show up in the world for greater success – in love, career, finance, and health.
Hypnotherapy itself is a wonderful modality for upgrading your internal operating system. But what happens when we need to upgrade the modality of hypnotherapy itself?
Hypnotherapy goes back as far as we can remember and little has been done to evolve or innovate upon this technique. As humans, culture, and society we have evolved. It’s time that our healing modalities evolve with us.
Meta Hypnotherapy is a hypnotherapy theory of theories that uses the Integral framework created by Ken Wilber – known as the “Einstein of Consciousness Studies”.
This framework offers a more inclusive, more comprehensive, more integral view of hypnotherapy itself. And if you’ve ever tried to understand the chaotic and confusing field of hypnotherapy to date, you’ll find that it is not only unregulated but also unorganized, fragmented, and very much at odds with itself.
So what happens when we put everything on the table and view the field of hypnotherapy itself from a higher and wider perspective? What is the pattern that connects this academic mess into a higher-order unification of all methods involved?
This is the primary aim of Meta Hypnotherapy. Meta Hypnotherapy is a hypnotherapy of hypnotherapies that distills them all down to their 5 basic components. What we find are 5 essential keys that are essential and accessible to every human being on the planet.
The 5 essential keys are also maps or perspectives or lenses through which to view the world. When we look at the world or our client this way, we get a more complete, more whole, more integrated perspective of the client we are working with. This is important because how we see our clients matters. How we interpret their experience matters. It’s an issue of ethics and morality. We must upgrade the models of therapy we are using with clients are else we may be offering a disservice – to see only our client’s partiality, rather than their wholeness. Seeing their fragmentation rather than their integration. Or seeing their illness rather than their wellness.
At Boulder Hypnotherapy Institute our 5-day hypnotherapy training and certification course not only teaches you how to do hypnotherapy with clients, but you will also learn how to update your own operating system, your own perspective, your own world view to be more inclusive of yourself, your clients, and the world around you.
Come build the future of hypnotherapy with us.
The 3-2-1 process is a simple and effective tool for working with the shadow. This practice is designed to provide a quick, easy, and effective method to work with our disowned selves. There are numerous techniques to deal with the shadow, but most require the assistance of a professional therapist. The 3-2-1 Process can be used by anyone anywhere at any time, and at no cost.
The 3-2-1 Process helps you uncover your shadow and integrate unconscious thoughts and emotions, so you can become more healthy and whole. It takes an extraordinary amount of energy to keep aspects of ourselves hidden in shadow. The energy it takes to repress or deny aspects of ourselves could potentially be employed in other ways; perhaps even a developmental transformation. When we shine a light on our shadow and work to integrate disowned aspects of ourselves, we liberate the energy we were using to hide from ourselves, and more energy is never a bad thing.
This process uses shifts in perspectives as a way of identifying and integrating shadow material. 3-2-1 refers to 3rd person, 2nd person, and 1st person perspectives. When an aspect of the self poses a threat, the self seeks to distance itself from that threat. As a result, the self concludes, “That is not me. That is someone else.” The self exports that trait that threatens it onto someone else. We can disown both lower and higher aspects of ourselves. In either case, we project it as “You.” You are angry. You are being selfish. You are worthy. In other words, we displace it from a 1st – person “I” to a 2nd- person “You.”
If the threat of this emotion or situation becomes so great that it requires a total rejection, we push it away into a 3rd- person “It.” At that point, the shadow arises as a sense of irritation, reactivity, fear, or aversion toward things, but we usually do not understand why we feel this way.
And meditation alone won’t fix this, most forms of meditation won’t even help; in fact, they may make things worse. Meditation suggests dis-identification from experience (“You are not your thoughts. etc.”). But to integrate the shadow, we need to RE-identify with disowned dimensions of our experience and ourselves. We can only truly let go of something that we have first owned. Healthy disidentification is only possible once we have re-owned, re-associated, and re-identified with the disowned parts of ourselves. For this reason, there is no substitute for shadow work.
The 3-2-1 Process can be used in various ways. For beginners, try it out once a week for roughly 30 minutes and work with the biggest issue of your week. For more advanced practitioners, begin applying the 3-2-1 Process to dreams and issues of your daily life.
You can also opt to use the “empty chair” rather than a journal. Just replace the journal with an actual chair in the exercise outlined above. Place this chair across from you, and imagine the person you have chosen to work with sitting in it. In “Face It” (3), simply describe the qualities of this person that provoke you. Talk about them in front of them. In “Talk to It” (2), dialogue with this person. When it is their turn to respond, sit in the other chair and respond as that person. Go back and forth between chairs until the dialogue is over. In “Be It” (1), sit as the other and be the person that triggers you. Embody the qualities that irritate or fascinate you and speak as this person using “I” statements: “I am ________.”
In this practice, we begin the process of re-owning our shadow. We’ll FACE our shadow in 3rd-person; we’ll TALK to our shadow in a 2nd-person dialogue, and we’ll BE our shadow in 1st-person. Face it, Talk to it, Be it…It’s that simple.
1. Choose an experience in your life that you want to work with. It’s often easier to begin with a person with whom you have difficulty (e.g., lover, relative, boss). This person may irritate, disturb, annoy, or upset you. Or maybe you feel attracted to, obsessed with, infatuated with, or possessive about this person. In any case, choose someone with whom you have a strong emotional charge, whether positive or negative.
2. Face It: Now, imagine this person. Describe those qualities that most upset you, or the characteristics that you are most attracted to using 3rd-person language (he, she, it). Talk about them out loud or write it down in a journal. Take this opportunity to “let it out.” Don’t try to be skillful or say the right thing. There is no need to sugarcoat your description. The person you are describing will never see this.
3. Talk to It: Begin an imaginary dialogue with this person. Speak in 2nd person to this person (you). Talk directly to this person as if he or she were actually there in the room with you. Tell them what bothers you about them. Ask them questions such as “Why are you doing this to me?” “What do you want from me?” “What are you trying to show me?” “What do you have to teach me?” Imagine their response to these questions. Speak that imaginary response out loud. Record the conversation in your journal if you like.
4. Be It: Become this person. Take on the qualities that either annoy or fascinate you. Embody the traits you described in “Face It.” Use 1st-person language ( I, me, mine). This may feel awkward, and it should. The traits you are taking on are the exact traits that you have been denying in yourself. Use statements such as “I am angry,” “I am jealous,” “I am radiant.” Fill in the blank with whatever qualities you are working with: “I am__________.”
5. To complete the process, notice these disowned qualities in yourself. Experience the part of you that is this very trait. Avoid making the process abstract or conceptual: just BE it. Now you can re-own and integrate this trait in yourself.
The 3-2-1 Shadow process is an integral part of our Meta Hypnotherapy methodology. Consider the 3-2-1 process like a “back pocket” practice – something that you can use in the moment when you feel triggered or unable to regulate big emotions.
Hypnotherapy is a great way to go deeper with shadow work and uncovers the unconscious forces that drive you to think, feel, and behave the way you do.
As Carl Jung said, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
Join our 5-Day Hypnotherapy Training and Certification program and discover how to do shadow work with clients in the trance state.
Listen below to Launch Your New Career as a Certified Hypnotherapist and learn all about my personal story, my new Meta Hypnotherapy method, how you can become an effective hypnotherapist who gets the best results and discover how to take your first step toward getting paid as a Certified Hypnotherapist and create your dream job as a healing pro!