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Karma is a Sanskrit word that means action, work, or deed. Karma can be seen as the spiritual principle of cause and effect. The concept of Karma is well known in both the East, particularly Buddhism and Hinduism, and has gained popularity in the West as well.
Many people believe that karma is punishment from things we’ve done in the past or in a past life. It’s not uncommon to hear people say, “I must have done something bad in a past life to deserve this.”
Karma really means that our actions plant seeds that ripen and bear fruit in this or a past life. The intention behind your acts, words, and deeds also helps to shape the quality of your Karma.
Everything is energy, including your thoughts and emotions, which are energy in motion. So, in essence, everything you do creates a corresponding energy that comes back to you in some form. This is why the intention behind your actions has significance.
Karma comes in three distinct types that are important to stay mindful of while working with past lives. We have individual karma, relationship karma, and collective karma.
Individual karma refers to my personal actions, intentions, thoughts, and deeds. Past Life Regression Therapy can address specific acts one has done in the past, and express a positive intention or acceptance of the action, deed, or words to clear karma in this life.
If you’ve ever experienced a bond that feels like a magnetic connection, but with a turbulent twist, you’re not alone. Karmic relationships are filled with passion and pain, often at the same time.
While the phrase “karmic relationship” isn’t a clinical term, the characteristics do resemble other, well-known relationships.
“A karmic relationship is one that’s filled with all-consuming passion but is extremely difficult to maintain,” explains Sanam Hafeez, PsyD, a neuropsychologist and faculty member at Columbia University.
These relationships aren’t meant to last, she says, but they’re learning experiences for those who have them.
While “karmic relationship” can have a negative connotation, Hafeez says it can also be viewed from the perspective of personal growth.
“They’re opportunities to learn something about yourself that you never knew before, as well as the most significant life lessons in love,” she says.
To get a better idea of what a karmic relationship is, how it manifests, and what you can do to walk away from one, past life regression therapy is key!
Our collective karma refers to the karma of the groups, communities, countries, races, etc… we were born into.
Past Life Regression Therapy can address specific acts our group has done in the past, and express a positive intention or acceptance of the action, deed, or words to clear collective karma in this life.
Past Life Regression Therapy has many applications and benefits, including helping us to clear the karma of the past so that we can live free in the present.
If you’re a hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapy is a great way to add another revenue stream to your healing business or if you want to bring more spiritual healing work to your private practice, your clients, and the world!
Join our 3-day Past Life Regression Training Certification. Discover your own past lives and get certified while you do!
Ready to get trained and certified in hypnotherapy? Join our 5-Day Hypnotherapy Training Certification.
Go deeper with your hypnotherapy training and your personal work and join our Advanced Spiritual Regression Training Certification.
We have many physical bodies that we reincarnate into and we have a spiritual body that carries into the present life, emotional and mental residues, and imprints of karmic actions.
Emotional residues can be many strong emotions with little reason, based on our present life and conscious understanding. These can range from strong attraction to strong aversion, from a phobia to an instant connection.
Mental residues can be fixed thoughts with little reason, based on our present life and conscious understanding. As presenting issues, they are often limiting beliefs or a singular frame of perception that is unhelpful for the client.
Karmic causative actions in past lives can have karmic effects in the present life. We may need to get insights into the workings of that cause and effect to apply a balancing or antidote realization, action, and intention.
The benefit of therapy in past lives is to clear the emotional residue, clarify the mental frame and understand the karmic causative actions and intentions of the client.
In Past Life Regression Therapy we often work with emotions and thoughts, by releasing the old negative feelings and thoughts that are now outdated and based on events in the past that are over. We support the client to clean up those residues and help the client return balanced and clear into the present life.
In Past Life Regression Therapy we sometimes need to fully grasp and untangle the interweaving threads of karma, though this is often not required to be done explicitly.
The outcome is to move forward with more emotional peace, mental clarity and to ground in this life so the client can engage in better future actions.
The Past Life Regression process is like other regressive therapies that go to a source of the issue to heal and release it. We regress our clients back to causes in past lives, to help resolve effects on their present-day issues.
Along the way the client gathers secondary benefits of a personal experience or expanded spiritual perception, that can overcome the fear of death, and end with the client being more fully in the present moment.
Past Life Regression Therapy has many applications and benefits. If you’re looking to add another revenue stream to your business and want to bring more spiritual healing work to your private practice, your clients, and the world join our 3-day Past Life Regression Training Certification.
Many cultures, religions, psychologists, philosophers, and even scientists believe that we have not only lived before but that we can access these memories to have a richer experience in this current life.
Pioneer psychologist Carl Jung, near the end of his life, wrote:
“I could well imagine that I might have lived in former centuries and there encountered questions I was not yet able to answer; that I had been born again because I had not fulfilled the task given to me.”
He went on to speculate that he might have to be reborn again in order to find the answers still left undiscovered, or someone else would have to assume the task.
Regardless of your beliefs, Past Life Regression can be used therapeutically through hypnosis can be used to help your clients to:
1. Examine negative patterns in the current life and find root causes from the past, allowing them to release the unhealthy behaviors.
2. Examine current health issues and find causes from a past life, either an injury or death-wound and release the painful memory, getting relief.
3. Examine fears and phobias that do have an explanation in the client’s memory.
4. Examine painful relationships and see if the client has traveled with that soul or souls in a past life and repair or complete unfinished business in this life.
5. Understand dreams, familiarity, and/or fascination with a different time and place in history.
6. Stimulate creativity when working on projects like writing historical fiction, creating costumes, architecture, art, movies, sets, and shows.
7. Remembering Healthy Patterns, Perspective, Solutions, and Remedies from Past Lives to use today.
Past Life Regression Therapy has many applications and benefits. If you’re looking to add another revenue stream to your business and want to bring more spiritual healing work to your private practice, your clients, and the world join our 3-day Past Life Regression Training Certification.
Many things get passed down from family to family. Things like inheritances and family heirlooms, genes and genetic conditions, physical characteristics, and in some cases trauma.
Generational trauma is trauma that isn’t just experienced by one person but extends from one generation to the next. “It can be silent, covert, and undefined, surfacing through nuances and inadvertently taught or implied throughout someone’s life from an early age onward.”
Everyone is susceptible to generational trauma. The symptoms of generational trauma may include:
“We know trauma can manifest itself through stress, anxiety, fight or flight, and other heightened alert systems in our brain and bodies, but intergenerational trauma can also mask itself through learned beliefs, behaviors, and patterns that become ingrained. This kind of wiring impacts personalities, relationships, parenting, communication, and views of the world.”
Multiple studies have found that children of Holocaust survivors are prone to worry, guilt and hypervigilance. Compared to others, they are more likely to assume the worst when something negative happens. They also frequently experience anxiety and nightmares.
Other studies have found similar symptoms in children of Vietnam war veterans. These symptoms often persist through adulthood.
Generational trauma, also known as intergenerational or ancestral trauma can go back one, two, fourteen generations or more. So we need to go back to the source of where it began. When did the client “inherit” the generational trauma? Was it during childhood? Or does the source of this ancestral trauma go way, way back?
During Past Life Regression therapy the client is able to experience the most relevant past life connected with the generational trauma. It is here that both Past Life Regression Therapist and client alike can discover together the contracts, agreements, vows, and yes, even trauma that they brought into this lifetime. It’s this moment in the Past Life Regression session that we bring healing to and break the agreement to continue in the ancestral trauma of suffering, bondage, abuse, pain, and addictions.
Bring more ancestral healing work to your private practice, your clients, and the world with Past Life Regression Training and Certification program. Save $400 when your register here.
Inheriting ancestral trauma doesn’t mean you’re stuck with it. The good news is that there are ways to “undo” the trauma of the past. If you feel weighed down by traumatic events in your family’s past, Past Life Regression therapy can help you.
We are all trying to figure out how to do relationships. Whether that’s your relationship with your family, your partner, your boss, or yourself, the quality of our relationships is vital to our happiness and wellbeing.
Here are 10 of the most common issues in relationships:
1. Arguments
2. Communication
3. Growing apart
4. Infidelity
5. Traumas
6. Lack of Appreciation
7. Sex
8. Money
9. Boredom
10. Children
If you’re curious about the connection between Past Life Regression Therapy and Relationships you can read all about it below.
According to Past Life Regression therapy, we travel from lifetime to lifetime with our Soul Group. Our Soul Group is a group of souls that agree to help one another grow, learn, and evolve as Souls through incarnations and lifetimes. So your grandmother in one life could be your grandson in the next. Or your son in this lifetime was your father in your past life. Or Maybe your husband was your daughter in a previous life? The relationship issues you struggle with today could be rooted in a past life.
Our relationship issues go back to our earliest childhood memories of our primary caregivers – mom and dad. Often we can find the source of our anxious or avoidant attachment styles in childhood. But what if these issues originated in the way, way, past….like a past life?
In clinical hypnotherapy, we use age regression to go back to the source of our unhealthy relationship dynamics that are present in the client’s current life. It’s in the age regression where we discover the old conclusion the client made about themselves as well as the old decision and behavior they chose – the negative relationship behavior.
In Past Life Regression, we use spiritual regression to back to the life that is the most significant for healing the client’s presenting issue.
Often we discover that the client is bringing these behaviors, dynamics, agreements, and decisions with them from lifetime to lifetime as lessons to learn around healthy relationships, healthy love, and healthy nourishment.
Karmic relationships are unresolved issues from our past lives and typically come in the form of lessons, or agreements and contracts with others. Karmic relationships often require energy healing, cord-cutting, and breaking vows that keep the client held and bound to the unhealthy relationship in their current life.
The best way to heal Karmic relationship Issues is with Past Life Regression therapy. Nothing helps your client see their role and own their part and fully take responsibility for their behavior and consequences faster than Past Life Regression therapy.
If you want to help your clients break free from the ties of unhealthy relationships, join our next Past Life Regression Training and Certification here.
Codependency runs deep in unhealthy relationships and has strong, entangled roots. It runs so deep that often the source of codependency lies in a past life. If you’re curious about the connection between Past Life Regression Therapy and Codependency you can read all about it below.
Codependency has many definitions. The most common, agreed-upon definition in the mental health field is, “Codependency is a learned behavior that can be passed down from one generation to another. It is an emotional and behavioral condition that affects an individual’s ability to have a healthy, mutually satisfying relationship. It is also known as “relationship addiction” because people with codependency often form or maintain relationships that are one-sided, emotionally destructive and/or abusive. The disorder was first identified about ten years ago as the result of years of studying interpersonal relationships in families of alcoholics. Co-dependent behavior is learned by watching and imitating other family members who display this type of behavior.”
Another definition of codependency that I like to teach is abandoning yourself in order to make the relationship work.
Have you ever had to put yourself or your needs or your goals and dreams aside to make the relationship work? If so, you may be in a codependent relationship.
Let’s look at some of the different codependent roles people enact in their relationships.
The People Pleaser is someone who avoids conflict at all costs and will agree with others’ opinions even if they really don’t agree. Often their private self and public self are polar opposites. People Pleasers tend to keep quiet to avoid arguments. There is a constant worry about others’ opinions of them. People Pleasers will often deny their own needs, wants, and opinions in order to make the relationship work.
The rescuer personality is driven to help others. When someone has the need for help, the rescuer is there, just like a superhero, ready to save the day. … Rescuers are driven by a need to be needed. When they can help other people, they feel like they are helping themselves.
The term “enabler” generally describes someone whose behavior allows a loved one to continue self-destructive patterns of behavior. Enabling usually refers to patterns that appear in the context of drug or alcohol misuse and addiction. Often the enabler will help the addicted person by lying about, ignoring, or passively supporting the loved one’s substance abuse.
In clinical hypnotherapy, we use age regression to go back to the source of our codependent behaviors to address the unhealthy relationship dynamics that are present in the client’s current life. It’s in the age regression where we discover the old conclusion the client made about themselves as well as the old decision and behavior they chose – the codependent behavior.
But what if the source of codependency and people-pleasing goes way, way back? Like all the back to a Past Life?
What if our codependent behaviors aren’t just an issue from this life? What if the source of our codependent behaviors has deep roots in the past? Are we bringing these behaviors with us from lifetime to lifetime as lessons to learn around healthy boundaries and agreements to break with others? It’s very possible that you are dealing with karmic issues.
Karmic Issues are unresolved issues from our past lives and typically come in the form of lessons, or agreements and contracts with others. Have you ever wondered who your partner was in a past life? Perhaps your parent or child or uncle? These relationship issues could be Karmic Issues when looked at from the perspective of Spiritual Reality.
The best way to heal Karmic Issues is with Past Life Regression therapy. Nothing helps your client see their role and own their responsibility and behavior and consequences faster than Past Life Regression therapy.
If you want to help your clients break free from the chains of codependency, join our next Past Life Regression Training and Certification here.