Boulder, Colorado



Soul Contracts: 5 Things You Agreed to Before You Were Born

Soul Contracts: 5 Things You Agreed to Before You Were Born

Soul Contracts

Many people believe in the idea of Soul Contracts. Soul contracts are agreements, that you enter into pre-birth. Before this contract is created, your Spirit Guides empower you to decide which life lesson scenarios are going to enable your soul to evolve. These choices then formulate the basis of your soul contract.

Your soul contract doesn’t only involve the relationships in your life. It also includes your life experiences, events, and circumstances. But whatever your soul contract entails, remember you have chosen each and every experience, to help you to learn and grow.

5 Things You Agreed to Before You Were Born

  1. You Chose Your Name and Date of Birth
  2. Your Soul Family Helps You with Healing
  3. Life Events Help You with Healing
  4. You Have Free Will
  5. You Chose Your Death

You Chose Your Name and Date of Birth

Your time, date, and place of birth are no coincidence. Neither is the name you thought you were given by your parents. These carry a unique energetic signature and were all agreed upon to help you.

Your Soul Family Helps You with Healing

Various people are destined to come into your life to help you heal something either from past lives or from this lifetime. These people have agreed with Spirit to enter into your life so that you can reach greater levels of compassion and forgiveness.

Life Events Help You with Healing

Whatever events transpire in your life, they arise to help you evolve to a higher state of consciousness.

You Have Free Will

You incarnated on this planet at a specific time and place with a soul purpose. However, one thing that’s not predetermined is your free will and choice. This means that you decide how you want your life to unfold once you get here. Whilst these decisions are seen as your fate, one thing that you cannot change is your destiny.

You Chose Your Death

The moment you die and the way that you die has been predetermined on your contract. There may also be several other opportunities to leave the earth plane during the course of your life, which present themselves as ‘exit points’. At these times, you’ll get the chance to either stay or go.

There are many more agreements you made before you were born.

Discover these and more during our Past Life Regression Training and Certification. Not only will you discover the specific agreements you made pre-birth, and you will also discover WHO you made these contracts with and have the opportunity to clear and break these agreements if they no longer serve you.

Clearing karmic debts, ancestral healing, breaking agreements that hold you back from success in this life, and finally cutting the cord from those bad relationships, are just a few of the benefits of this training.

Professionally, you will be able to add a whole new revenue stream to your private practice with Past Life Regression Therapy.

When you’re fully aligned to your soul purpose, you will observe synchronicity or strange coincidences occurring to guide you effortlessly from one opportunity to the next. Another reliable clue from Spirit, that you’re following your highest path, is when you encounter the right people at the right time. These people have been placed on your path to deliver information, guidance, and assistance when you’re in doubt or want to learn.

What is Karma?

What is Karma?

What is Karma?

Karma is a Sanskrit word that means action, work, or deed. Karma can be seen as the spiritual principle of cause and effect. The concept of Karma is well known in both the East, particularly Buddhism and Hinduism, and has gained popularity in the West as well. 

Many people believe that karma is punishment from things we’ve done in the past or in a past life. It’s not uncommon to hear people say, “I must have done something bad in a past life to deserve this.”

Karma really means that our actions plant seeds that ripen and bear fruit in this or a past life. The intention behind your acts, words, and deeds also helps to shape the quality of your Karma.

Everything is energy, including your thoughts and emotions, which are energy in motion. So, in essence, everything you do creates a corresponding energy that comes back to you in some form. This is why the intention behind your actions has significance.

3 Types of Karma

Karma comes in three distinct types that are important to stay mindful of while working with past lives. We have individual karma, relationship karma, and collective karma.

Individual Karma

Individual karma refers to my personal actions, intentions, thoughts, and deeds. Past Life Regression Therapy can address specific acts one has done in the past, and express a positive intention or acceptance of the action, deed, or words to clear karma in this life.

Relationship Karma

If you’ve ever experienced a bond that feels like a magnetic connection, but with a turbulent twist, you’re not alone. Karmic relationships are filled with passion and pain, often at the same time.

While the phrase “karmic relationship” isn’t a clinical term, the characteristics do resemble other, well-known relationships.

“A karmic relationship is one that’s filled with all-consuming passion but is extremely difficult to maintain,” explains Sanam Hafeez, PsyD, a neuropsychologist and faculty member at Columbia University.

These relationships aren’t meant to last, she says, but they’re learning experiences for those who have them.

While “karmic relationship” can have a negative connotation, Hafeez says it can also be viewed from the perspective of personal growth.

“They’re opportunities to learn something about yourself that you never knew before, as well as the most significant life lessons in love,” she says.

To get a better idea of what a karmic relationship is, how it manifests, and what you can do to walk away from one, past life regression therapy is key!

Collective Karma

Our collective karma refers to the karma of the groups, communities, countries, races, etc… we were born into.

Past Life Regression Therapy can address specific acts our group has done in the past, and express a positive intention or acceptance of the action, deed, or words to clear collective karma in this life.

Past Life Regression Therapy has many applications and benefits, including helping us to clear the karma of the past so that we can live free in the present.

If you’re a hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapy is a great way to add another revenue stream to your healing business or if you want to bring more spiritual healing work to your private practice, your clients, and the world!

Join our 3-day Past Life Regression Training Certification. Discover your own past lives and get certified while you do!

Ready to get trained and certified in hypnotherapy? Join our 5-Day Hypnotherapy Training Certification. 

Go deeper with your hypnotherapy training and your personal work and join our Advanced Spiritual Regression Training Certification.

Attachment Styles and Hypnotherapy

Attachment Styles and Hypnotherapy

What is Attachment?

Attachment is defined as a “lasting psychological connectedness between human beings” (Bowlby, 1969), and may be considered interchangeable with concepts such as “affectional bond” and “emotional bond.”

A human being’s first attachment is often established during infancy with the primary caregiver. Attachments of various kinds are formed through the repeated act of “attachment behaviors” or “attachment transactions,” a continuing process of seeking and maintaining a certain level of proximity to another specified individual (Bowlby, 1969).

Because caregivers vary in their levels of sensitivity and responsiveness, not all infants attach to caregivers in the same way.

Attachment styles are hard-wired beliefs and behaviors people develop about relationships with others, based on the relationship they had with their primary caregiver when they were infants.

The 4 Attachment Styles

There are four main adult attachment styles: secure, anxious, avoidant, and fearful-avoidant (aka disorganized). The latter three are all considered forms of insecure attachment.

1. Secure Attachment

Secure attachment style refers to the ability to form secure, loving relationships with others. A securely attached person can trust others and be trusted, love and accept love, and get close to others with relative ease. They’re not afraid of intimacy, nor do they feel panicked when their partners need time or space away from them. They’re able to depend on others without becoming totally dependent.

About 56% of adults have a secure attachment type, according to foundational attachment research by social psychologists Cindy Hazan and Phillip Shaver in the 1980s.

All other attachment styles that are not secure are known as insecure attachment styles.

2. Anxious Attachment

An anxious attachment style is a form of insecure attachment style marked by a deep fear of abandonment. Anxiously attached people tend to be very insecure about their relationships, often worrying that their partner will leave them and thus always hungry for validation. Anxious attachment is associated with “neediness” or clingy behavior, such as getting very anxious when your partner doesn’t text back fast enough and constantly feeling like your partner doesn’t care enough about you.

Anxious attachment is also known as, and it generally aligns with the anxious-ambivalent attachment style or anxious-resistant attachment style observed among children. Some 19% of adults have the anxious attachment type, according to Hazan and Shaver’s research.

3. Avoidant Attachment

An avoidant attachment style is a form of insecure attachment style marked by a fear of intimacy. People with avoidant attachment styles tend to have trouble getting close to others or trusting others in relationships, and relationships can make them feel suffocated. They typically maintain some distance from their partners or are largely emotionally unavailable in their relationships, preferring to be independent and rely on themselves.

Avoidant attachment is also known as dismissive-avoidant attachment, and it generally aligns with the anxious-avoidant attachment style observed among children. Some 25% of adults have the avoidant attachment type, according to Hazan and Shaver.

4. Fearful-Avoidant Attachment (aka disorganized)

Fearful-avoidant attachment style is a combination of both the anxious and avoidant attachment styles. People with fearful-avoidant attachment both desperately crave affection and want to avoid it at all costs. They’re reluctant to develop a close romantic relationship, yet at the same time, they have a dire need to feel loved by others.

Fearful-avoidant attachment is also known as disorganized attachment and is associated with significant psychological and relational risks, including heightened sexual behavior, an increased risk for violence in their relationships, and difficulty regulating emotions in general.

Healing Attachment Styles with Hypnotherapy

Meta Hypnotherapy is a very successful treatment method to heal and rewire secure attachment in ourselves and our clients because our attachment styles are stored in the subconscious mind.

Here are the top 4 issues to work with to help rewire secure attachment with your clients using Meta Hypnotherapy.

Abandonment Fears 

Go to the source of the fear and bring in a Wise Adult to support the inner child and assist them in releasing the fear of abandonment through connection, warmth, and unconditional love.

Lack of Self-Esteem

Go to the source experiences that created the low self-esteem and bring in a Wise Adult to enter the scene of the memory and support the inner child with unconditional love.


Go to the source of the shame and give the shame back to the person it belongs to.

Unhealthy Boundaries

Go to the source of the boundary violations and bring into the scene a Wise Adult to enforce appropriate boundaries to establish safety.

Get Certified in Hypnotherapy and Start Your New Career as a Healing Pro!

Meta Hypnotherapy is a one-of-a-kind program that will help you heal your mind, body, and soul in just 5 days of training!

Join our 5-Day Hypnotherapy Training and Certification program and get certified as a Clinical Hypnotherapist.

Already a hypnotherapist? Join our 3-Day Past Life Regression Training and Certification program and get certified as a Past Life Regression Specialist.

Ready for the deep end?

Join our Level Two Advanced Spiritual Regression Training and Certification program and get certified as an Advanced Spiritual Regression Specialist.

This opportunity is especially for you if you’re:

1. Passionate about making a positive impact: and you’re ready to play a far more meaningful role in supporting, uplifting, and transforming your friends, family, community, and even all of humanity.

2. Looking to level up your career and performance: because you know that in a changing world, the answer to future-proof success, wealth, and expansion is in mastering new skills and stepping out of your comfort zone.

3. Searching for the keys to freedom: the freedom to do what you love instead of settling for a paycheck, to live with total clarity of purpose, and to design your life on nobody’s terms but your own.

4. A new or experienced hypnotherapist who feels something’s missing: like maybe you’re not earning or attracting clients at the level you want to, you’re not satisfied with the tools you’ve been given, or you’re struggling with the business side of hypnotherapy.

Past Life Regression Therapy and Relationships

Past Life Regression Therapy and Relationships

Past Life Regression Therapy and Relationships

We are all trying to figure out how to do relationships. Whether that’s your relationship with your family, your partner, your boss, or yourself, the quality of our relationships is vital to our happiness and wellbeing.

Here are 10 of the most common issues in relationships:

1. Arguments

2. Communication

3. Growing apart

4. Infidelity

5. Traumas

6. Lack of Appreciation

7. Sex

8. Money

9. Boredom

10. Children

If you’re curious about the connection between Past Life Regression Therapy and Relationships you can read all about it below.

How can past-life regression help heal and strengthen present-day relationships?

According to Past Life Regression therapy, we travel from lifetime to lifetime with our Soul Group. Our Soul Group is a group of souls that agree to help one another grow, learn, and evolve as Souls through incarnations and lifetimes. So your grandmother in one life could be your grandson in the next. Or your son in this lifetime was your father in your past life. Or Maybe your husband was your daughter in a previous life? The relationship issues you struggle with today could be rooted in a past life.

Our relationship issues go back to our earliest childhood memories of our primary caregivers – mom and dad. Often we can find the source of our anxious or avoidant attachment styles in childhood. But what if these issues originated in the way, way, past….like a past life?

In clinical hypnotherapy, we use age regression to go back to the source of our unhealthy relationship dynamics that are present in the client’s current life. It’s in the age regression where we discover the old conclusion the client made about themselves as well as the old decision and behavior they chose – the negative relationship behavior.

In Past Life Regression, we use spiritual regression to back to the life that is the most significant for healing the client’s presenting issue.

Often we discover that the client is bringing these behaviors, dynamics, agreements, and decisions with them from lifetime to lifetime as lessons to learn around healthy relationships, healthy love, and healthy nourishment.

Karmic relationships are unresolved issues from our past lives and typically come in the form of lessons, or agreements and contracts with others. Karmic relationships often require energy healing, cord-cutting, and breaking vows that keep the client held and bound to the unhealthy relationship in their current life.

The best way to heal Karmic relationship Issues is with Past Life Regression therapy. Nothing helps your client see their role and own their part and fully take responsibility for their behavior and consequences faster than Past Life Regression therapy.

If you want to help your clients break free from the ties of unhealthy relationships, join our next Past Life Regression Training and Certification here.


Past Life Regression Therapy and Codependency: Break Free From the Chains of Time and Live Your Best Life Now

Past Life Regression Therapy and Codependency: Break Free From the Chains of Time and Live Your Best Life Now

Past Life Regression Therapy and Codependency

Codependency runs deep in unhealthy relationships and has strong, entangled roots. It runs so deep that often the source of codependency lies in a past life. If you’re curious about the connection between Past Life Regression Therapy and Codependency you can read all about it below.

What is Codependency?

Codependency has many definitions. The most common, agreed-upon definition in the mental health field is, “Codependency is a learned behavior that can be passed down from one generation to another. It is an emotional and behavioral condition that affects an individual’s ability to have a healthy, mutually satisfying relationship. It is also known as “relationship addiction” because people with codependency often form or maintain relationships that are one-sided, emotionally destructive and/or abusive. The disorder was first identified about ten years ago as the result of years of studying interpersonal relationships in families of alcoholics. Co-dependent behavior is learned by watching and imitating other family members who display this type of behavior.”

Another definition of codependency that I like to teach is abandoning yourself in order to make the relationship work.

Have you ever had to put yourself or your needs or your goals and dreams aside to make the relationship work? If so, you may be in a codependent relationship.

Let’s look at some of the different codependent roles people enact in their relationships.

The People Pleaser

The People Pleaser is someone who avoids conflict at all costs and will agree with others’ opinions even if they really don’t agree. Often their private self and public self are polar opposites. People Pleasers tend to keep quiet to avoid arguments. There is a constant worry about others’ opinions of them. People Pleasers will often deny their own needs, wants, and opinions in order to make the relationship work.

The Rescuer

The rescuer personality is driven to help others. When someone has the need for help, the rescuer is there, just like a superhero, ready to save the day. … Rescuers are driven by a need to be needed. When they can help other people, they feel like they are helping themselves.

The Enabler

The term “enabler” generally describes someone whose behavior allows a loved one to continue self-destructive patterns of behavior. Enabling usually refers to patterns that appear in the context of drug or alcohol misuse and addiction. Often the enabler will help the addicted person by lying about, ignoring, or passively supporting the loved one’s substance abuse.

People Affected by Codependency Often…

  • Have difficulty making decisions.
  • Judge what they think, say, or do harshly, as never good enough.
  • Are embarrassed to receive recognition, praise, or gifts.
  • Value others’ approval of their thinking, feelings, and behavior over their own.
  • Do not perceive themselves as lovable or worthwhile persons.
  • Seek recognition and praise to overcome feeling less than.
  • Have difficulty admitting a mistake.
  • Need to appear to be right in the eyes of others and may even lie to look good.
  • Are unable to identify or ask for what they need and want.
  • Perceive themselves as superior to others.
  • Look to others to provide their sense of safety.
  • Have difficulty getting started, meeting deadlines, and completing projects.
  • Have trouble setting healthy priorities and boundaries.

Break Free From the Chains of Codependency with Past Life Regression Therapy

In clinical hypnotherapy, we use age regression to go back to the source of our codependent behaviors to address the unhealthy relationship dynamics that are present in the client’s current life. It’s in the age regression where we discover the old conclusion the client made about themselves as well as the old decision and behavior they chose – the codependent behavior.

But what if the source of codependency and people-pleasing goes way, way back? Like all the back to a Past Life?

Codependency as Karmic Issues

What if our codependent behaviors aren’t just an issue from this life? What if the source of our codependent behaviors has deep roots in the past? Are we bringing these behaviors with us from lifetime to lifetime as lessons to learn around healthy boundaries and agreements to break with others? It’s very possible that you are dealing with karmic issues.

Karmic Issues are unresolved issues from our past lives and typically come in the form of lessons, or agreements and contracts with others. Have you ever wondered who your partner was in a past life? Perhaps your parent or child or uncle? These relationship issues could be Karmic Issues when looked at from the perspective of Spiritual Reality.

The best way to heal Karmic Issues is with Past Life Regression therapy. Nothing helps your client see their role and own their responsibility and behavior and consequences faster than Past Life Regression therapy.

If you want to help your clients break free from the chains of codependency, join our next Past Life Regression Training and Certification here.

Past Life Regression Therapy and the Victim Triangle

Past Life Regression Therapy and the Victim Triangle

The Victim Triangle


The Victim Triangle is a model of dysfunctional human interaction created by Stephen Karpan in the 1960s and is used specifically in Transactional Analysis psychotherapy.

The Victim Triangle illustrates a power game that is at the core of our unhealthy relationships – with family, friends, partners, coworkers, even ourselves.

There are three distinct roles in this game of power. Each role has its own set of beliefs and behaviors that govern it. These roles are the Victim, Rescuer, and Persecutor.

The Victim

The Victim has a “poor me” attitude and is unable to own their power and therefore sees the world as happening to them. “Everything always happens to me.” The Victim often feels powerless and hopeless.

The Rescuer

The Rescuer has an “I can help you” attitude and tries to deny their sense of powerlessness and instead try to feel powerful by helping others who are Victims. Often this turns into resentment when the Rescuer realizes that their secret desire to be rescued in return isn’t going to happen.

The Persecutor

The Persecutor has an “it’s all your fault attitude and blames others around them. Often this can take the form of anger, aggression, attack, criticism, judgment, shaming, and of course blaming. The Persecutor is unable to own their power and therefore uses their power in hurtful and even abusive ways. Some use stonewalling, silencing, and ghosting as ways to persecute as well.

Break Free From the Victim Triangle with Past Life Regression Therapy

In clinical hypnotherapy, we use age regression to go back to the source of feeling powerless to address the Victim Triangle dynamics that are present in the client’s life. It’s in the age regression where we discover the old conclusion the client made about themselves as well as the old decision and behavior they made based on that old conclusion.

But what if the source of our Victim consciousness and the feeling of powerlessness goes way, way back? Like all the back to a Past Life?

It’s often said that “we are born into these roles at birth.” I think we are entrenched in these Victim Triangle roles from lifetime to lifetime.

The Victim Triangle as Karmic Issues

What if our Victim Consciousness wasn’t just an issue from this life, but what if it has roots in the past and these are issues that we are bringing with us from lifetime to lifetime as lessons to learn, contracts to break, and deeper soul healing to be had?

This is what is known as Karmic Issues. Karmic Issues are unresolved issues from our past lives and typically come in the form of lessons, or agreements and contracts with others. Have you ever wondered who your partner was in a past life? Perhaps your parent or child or uncle? These relationship issues could be Karmic Issues when looked at from the perspective of Spiritual Reality.

The best way to heal Karmic Issues is with Past Life Regression therapy. Nothing helps your client see their role and own their responsibility and behavior and consequences faster than Past Life Regression therapy.

If you want to help your clients get off the Victim Triangle and move from Victim to Conscious Creator, Rescuer to Empowered Healer, and Persecutor to Healthy Challenger, join our next Past Life Regression Training and Certification here.