Boulder, Colorado



[Self-Hypnosis] I Am More Than Enough

[Self-Hypnosis] I Am More Than Enough

I am more than enough.

I am worthy and complete.

I treat others with kindness and respect. I support and encourage my family and friends. I express my gratitude and hand out sincere compliments.

I give generously. I share my time, money, and talents. I volunteer in my community. I do favors without expecting anything in return.

I overcome challenges. I persevere through obstacles. I strive to beat my last performance. I am resilient and creative. I bounce back from hardships. I adapt to changing circumstances.

I learn from experience. I can make any event work to my advantage. I forgive myself and others for past disappointments. I believe in second chances.

I radiate confidence. I trust my judgment and abilities. I recognize my strengths and skills. I live by my own standards rather than comparing myself to others. I know that I can accomplish great things if I am willing to work for them.

I develop my spirituality. I meditate and pray. I read inspirational texts and participate in my community. I search for meaning and deepen my connection with something bigger than myself.

I am fun to be around. I feel comfortable laughing at myself. I see the comical side of difficult situations. I relieve tension and sadness with gentle humor.

Today, I accept and love myself for who I am. My sense of security comes from within. I contribute to the beauty and harmony in the world by living an authentic life.

Self-Reflection Questions

1. What makes my life valuable?

2. How can I feel whole when I am experiencing doubts and fears?

3. How do my actions show that I appreciate myself?

[Self-Hypnosis] I Am Resilient

[Self-Hypnosis] I Am Resilient

I am resilient.

I totally acknowledge and appreciate my resilience. I realize my strength in all the areas of my life. I marvel at how resilient both my body and mind are!

I am notified by a tiny “pop up” in my brain whenever negative thoughts arise. My inner hero replaces those thoughts with positive, self-affirming thoughts.

My inner archeologist digs down to unearth antiquated limiting beliefs. After thorough investigation, they are reduced to rubble and dismissed as irrelevant.

My city planner in my brain finds solid foundations on which to build my new me.

I have a landscape architect who plans out a beautiful thought garden. My master gardener in my mind cultivates beautiful new ideas.

While I sleep, my new plants of strength and courage awaken in the moonlight.

During dream time, my feelings get a makeover as well. I feel the strength of the ocean and know I can overcome any challenge, just as the waves reduce stone to sand.

A great night’s sleep is also valuable to restore my physical stamina. All my cells are renewing and repairing for a new day.

I love that I have an amazing body that automatically rejuvenates itself!

Today, I greet the dawn feeling refreshed and ready for an exciting new day! After all, this day is the first day of the rest of my life and I want to make the most of it! Come what may, I am confident that my natural resilience can win the day.

Self-Reflection Questions

1. How can I become more resilient?

2. In which areas of my life can I become more resilient?

3. What activities can I do to become more resilient?

[Self-Hypnosis] I Increase My Awareness

[Self-Hypnosis] I Increase My Awareness

I increase my awareness.

I strive to know and understand myself. Increasing my awareness helps me to make positive changes.

I identify my strengths and weaknesses. I learn how to leverage my unique talents and skills. I enhance my leadership capabilities. I respect my boundaries and target the areas where I need to grow.

I ask others for feedback. Coworkers and friends help me to see myself in a different light. I gain valuable information and insights that I can use to enhance my performance.

I meditate and pray. I explore my thoughts and feelings without making judgments.

I examine my habits and assumptions. I make conscious choices that match my values and honor my beliefs.

I manage my emotions to make sound decisions. I reduce stress by being able to anticipate situations that are challenging for me.

I deepen my relationships. I become more skillful at talking about my thoughts and feelings. I clarify my expectations and take responsibility for my actions.

I safeguard my health and wellbeing. I listen to my body. I notice when I feel strong and when I need to rest. I comfort myself when I feel sad or anxious. I talk with my doctor about any symptoms that concern me.

I boost my motivation and energy levels. I devote my time to activities that are meaningful to me.

Today, I view myself with kindness and curiosity. Self-knowledge and awareness increase my emotional intelligence and help me to create the life I want.

Self-Reflection Questions

1. How would I describe my personality?

2. How can I view myself more objectively?

3. What is the relationship between mindfulness and awareness?

[Self-Hypnosis] I Create From An Open Heart

[Self-Hypnosis] I Create From An Open Heart

I create from an open heart.

I easily create when my heart is open to the universe. I receive guidance through the open doors of my heart. Inspiration comes from within and without when I fling the heart door wide open.

Using my imagination and creativity are as easy as breathing in and breathing out.

I feel inspiration come in with the breath. Creative projects flow out of my heart with each exhale.

I expand my heart.

I fill it to the brim with love and then add some more. My mind and heart are always open to understanding new ideas, cultures, and theories.

Expanding my heart increases my creative thoughts. I move forward from a place of inspired action.

As my heart continues to expand, I am encompassed within the cocoon of love. The more expansive the breath, the more I am filled with loving-kindness.

I become a walking, breathing bubble of love.

Today, I feel the inspiration flow in and out of me easily and effortlessly. I am creative love. I am a loving creation. I am both the creator and the creation. I am one with the creative force of the Universe.

Self-Reflection Questions

1. How can I expand my heart?

2. When I expand my heart, where in my life does creativity flow?

3. Who could benefit from my expanded heart? Family? Friends? Work?

[Self-Hypnosis] I Am Sovereign Unto Myself

[Self-Hypnosis] I Am Sovereign Unto Myself

I am sovereign unto myself.

I am sovereign unto myself. I am the King/Queen of my castle. My kingdom is in my heart. My soul is my legacy. How I rule myself becomes the history of my life.

I am responsible for my life. I have dominion over my lands. I take full responsibility for my choices. I have the final say in my world.

My heart is the most benevolent ruler of my life. My heart is in charge. I make my wisest decisions from my heart. My heart rules over my mind. My mind is in service to my heart, like a loyal knight.

When my heart stays enthroned, all is well in my world. My kingdom is safe. I keep vigilant watch over those parts of myself that would like to overthrow my heart.

As King/Queen of my world, I keep my ego in check. Sometimes, I have to put my ego in the tower for a time out.

Once my ego has been humbled and remembers its place as the keeper of the gate, order is restored. When it returns to its role as protector of the kingdom, my boundaries within and without are secure. I am safe.

As I recognize the different archetypes within and the roles they play, I am able to keep my kingdom operating properly. I ensure that all aspects of my personality are in their proper roles.

Today, I relish the fact that I am sovereign unto myself. I prioritize my responsibility to rule my life in a way that creates the fulfilling life I desire.

Self-Reflection Questions

1. How do I rule my life? Am I a just and benevolent ruler?

2. How can I keep intruders from taking away my sovereignty?

3. Do I have inner saboteurs? Who are they? How can I resolve this?

[Self-Hypnosis] I Rely On My Inner Wisdom

[Self-Hypnosis] I Rely On My Inner Wisdom

I rely on my inner wisdom.

The best decisions I make rely on my inner wisdom. This is the part of me that considers all of my knowledge, that has access to all of my experience. This part of me understands my current situation perfectly.

My inner wisdom provides me with the best options for me.

My emotions can lead me astray. Emotions can lead to compulsive behavior. It is my emotions that lead me to eat unhealthy food, spend money foolishly, or to stay in an unhealthy relationship.

On the other hand, my inner wisdom leads me to make wise decisions.

My wisdom provides ideas, solutions, and options that consider the long-term implications. My emotions only consider the short-term. I know that living my life to the fullest requires a long-term perspective.

My wise inner voice can be quiet, so I must be willing to be quiet and listen carefully. It can be drowned out by too many distractions. I find time each day to pay attention to what it has to say.

I respect my wisdom and follow it to the best of my ability.

Today, I make the best possible choices for my life by relying on my inner wisdom. I quiet my emotions and focus on the messages that my wisdom whispers to me. I welcome the suggestions of my wise inner voice.

Self-Reflection Questions

1. When have I ignored my inner wisdom? What was the result?

2. If I regularly followed the advice of my inner wisdom, what would be the likely result over the next 10 years?

3. What was my decision-making process when I made my most foolish decisions?