Boulder, Colorado



Hypnotherapy is an alternative or complementary therapy that is most commonly used to treat addictions, weight loss, fears & phobias, sleep issues, trauma & PTSD, anxiety, depression, and pain management.

But did you know that you can also use hypnotherapy for chakra healing?

Hypnotherapy for chakra healing is a very effective healing modality that addresses mind, body, and spirit.

Chances are if you’ve ever attended a yoga class, had a reiki session, or participated in a group meditation, the facilitator talked about the chakras.

Knowing what your 7 chakras are, where to find them, and how to unblock them may be the missing key to a happier life.

The Chakras

The word “Chakra” from Sanskrit translates to “wheel” or “disk,” but references a spiritual energy center within the human body.

Within your energy field or aura, are 7 major energy centers or chakras in the body that run up the length of your spine from the base of your body to the top of your head.

Our Chakras are grouped into three distinct categories. Firstly, the Chakras of Matter are the ones most connected to our physical bodies: the Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus.

Then there are the Chakras of Spirit, which bridge the gap between us and our spiritual source: the Throat, Third Eye, and Crown.

Then there’s the tie between Matter and Spirit, the Connecting Chakra – which bonds our physical and spirit together: the Heart.

As we go through the business of life and schedules and try to get it all done, the flow of energy up and down our chakras gets blocked or becomes out of balance and we can feel run down, tired, stressed, irritable, going through life on autopilot, depressed as well as affect our immune system. This can show up as always being sick, getting cold after cold.

Chakra Healing is recognizing and identifying undesirable feelings within and focusing on the relevant Chakra to transform negative energy to positive and move on, like the infinite flow that we truly are.

Hypnotherapy and Chakra Healing

Hypnotherapy can be used to facilitate chakra healing with clients who are experiencing blocks, energetic cords, attachments, old agreements, contracts, or decisions made that are ready to be released, plus so much more.

Hypnotherapy can even be used to activate certain groups of chakras simultaneously to activate our transpersonal gifts such as psychic abilities, past life regression, releasing karmic debt, increasing energetic protection and disengaging negative energy, and accessing one’s life purpose.

If you’re ready to go deeper with your hypnotherapy training, join our  Advanced Spiritual Regression Training Certification.

During this year-long training via Zoom, you will discover the power of hypnotherapy for Chakra Healing, Soul Retrieval, Past Life Regression, Life Between Lives Therapy, Shadow Work, and Spiritual Releasement Therapy.

Not only that, each weekend module comes with a successfully proven script to use with clients. This enables you to add new services and more revenue to your hypnotherapy practice at the end of each weekend module so that your return on investment is immediate.

Ascend to the next level of your personal growth, expand your consciousness for a bigger perspective, and make a greater impact in the world with Advanced Spiritual Regression Training Certification.

And don’t miss our other trainings…

Join our 3-day Past Life Regression Training Certification. Discover your own past lives and get certified while you do!

Ready to get trained and certified in hypnotherapy? Join our 5-Day Hypnotherapy Training Certification.