Boulder, Colorado



Success Circles™

A Spiritual Business Mastermind Program

Quantum Leap Into Your Next Level of Impact and Abundance


Get clarity around your Goals and Vision.

Overcome the Challenges holding you back.

Identify your Path and Create your plan moving forward.

Success Circles™ is a powerful transformational program designed to help you navigate challenges, and draw on the collective intelligence, connections, and experiences of others to help you get unstuck and moving forward.

The Success CirclesProgram

Confucius said, “If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room.”

Are you ready to leverage your spirituality in your pursuit of entrepreneurship?

Are you ready to build and sustain your business using your entire mind, body, and spirit to serve the world?

Are you ready to materialize your dreams and gifts, and monetize them successfully?

Success Circles are designed to move you from victim to victor and employee to spiritual boss.

In order to clear internal and external blocks so you can fulfill your goals, you will learn how to:

  • Stop worrying about the career you should have and achieve the one you want

  • Get your thoughts out of the way so you can pursue your dreams fearlessly

  • Ignore the advice and cultural dogma that focus on your weaknesses and celebrate your strengths

  • Learn how to use your fear as your ally and not your enemy

  • Become the leader you always knew you were by believing in yourself

If you’re ready to pivot with the grace of Buddha and create the business of your dreams, join Success Circles and learn how to stop faking it till you make it and actually take the steps to success today.

The Success Circles program is intentionally designed by bringing together people who can benefit from one another’s knowledge and insight. Learning from other smart, motivated people on a regular basis is a good use of your most precious resource – time.

Each Success Circle consists of 5-10 people who meet on a regular basis in order to inspire and advise one another, as well as tackle challenges and work together to solve problems. Members of these groups lean on one another for accountability and inspiration, supporting one another on the difficulties of their communal challenges and putting their minds together to create new pathways forward.

Every time the group meets, the collective mind kicks in and creates more possibilities and a greater sum of knowledge and insights than we could ever gain on our own.

If you’re tired of working by yourself and trying to figure out everything on your own, Sucess Circles are for you!

I am so happy to have taken this course with Kelly! She is really great at presenting the information in a concise manner which is easy to utilize. I love how we were taught step by step how to set up a hypnotherapy business online in a way that made it simple for even the most computer-challenged individual. I have watched numerous individuals in the class use these steps to launch the business of their dreams and am excited for where these skills will take me as a hypnotherapist.
Marie Healy

Clinical Hypnotherapist

What You’ll Receive

  • (6) 1-hour Group Business Sessions via Zoom to learn how to create and launch your online business for success
  • (6) 1-hour Group Mastermind Sessions via Zoom to bring your dreams to life
  • (6) Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy Sessions online with Kelly Bearer, MA, ACHT to bust through the internal blocks that are holding you back from success ($960 value)
  • 50% off your new website to make a big splash with your online business ($1499 value)
  • Accountability to make progress on your goals
  • Inspiration and Support to tackle what lies ahead
  • Collective Experience and First-Hand Knowledge of the group to keep you moving forward
  • The Intelligence of Others exposes you to new thoughts, ideas, & insights you wouldn’t have on your own
  • Space to navigate through issues to ensure you actually get through them

The Schedule

Our next Success Circle™ beings on Tuesday, September 7th at 5pm PT, 6pm MT, 7pm CT, 8pm ET.

We will meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays each month for six consecutive months.

All meetings will be held via Zoom.