Boulder, Colorado



Soul Contracts

Many people believe in the idea of Soul Contracts. Soul contracts are agreements, that you enter into pre-birth. Before this contract is created, your Spirit Guides empower you to decide which life lesson scenarios are going to enable your soul to evolve. These choices then formulate the basis of your soul contract.

Your soul contract doesn’t only involve the relationships in your life. It also includes your life experiences, events, and circumstances. But whatever your soul contract entails, remember you have chosen each and every experience, to help you to learn and grow.

5 Things You Agreed to Before You Were Born

  1. You Chose Your Name and Date of Birth
  2. Your Soul Family Helps You with Healing
  3. Life Events Help You with Healing
  4. You Have Free Will
  5. You Chose Your Death

You Chose Your Name and Date of Birth

Your time, date, and place of birth are no coincidence. Neither is the name you thought you were given by your parents. These carry a unique energetic signature and were all agreed upon to help you.

Your Soul Family Helps You with Healing

Various people are destined to come into your life to help you heal something either from past lives or from this lifetime. These people have agreed with Spirit to enter into your life so that you can reach greater levels of compassion and forgiveness.

Life Events Help You with Healing

Whatever events transpire in your life, they arise to help you evolve to a higher state of consciousness.

You Have Free Will

You incarnated on this planet at a specific time and place with a soul purpose. However, one thing that’s not predetermined is your free will and choice. This means that you decide how you want your life to unfold once you get here. Whilst these decisions are seen as your fate, one thing that you cannot change is your destiny.

You Chose Your Death

The moment you die and the way that you die has been predetermined on your contract. There may also be several other opportunities to leave the earth plane during the course of your life, which present themselves as ‘exit points’. At these times, you’ll get the chance to either stay or go.

There are many more agreements you made before you were born.

Discover these and more during our Past Life Regression Training and Certification. Not only will you discover the specific agreements you made pre-birth, and you will also discover WHO you made these contracts with and have the opportunity to clear and break these agreements if they no longer serve you.

Clearing karmic debts, ancestral healing, breaking agreements that hold you back from success in this life, and finally cutting the cord from those bad relationships, are just a few of the benefits of this training.

Professionally, you will be able to add a whole new revenue stream to your private practice with Past Life Regression Therapy.

When you’re fully aligned to your soul purpose, you will observe synchronicity or strange coincidences occurring to guide you effortlessly from one opportunity to the next. Another reliable clue from Spirit, that you’re following your highest path, is when you encounter the right people at the right time. These people have been placed on your path to deliver information, guidance, and assistance when you’re in doubt or want to learn.