Boulder, Colorado



Transpersonal Psychology

A 6-Week Online Course

with Kelly Bearer, MA, ACHT

Starts Thursday, October 20th

4:00pm-5:30pm PT, 5:00pm-6:30pm MT, 7:00pm-8:30pm ET



What You’ll Learn During Transpersonal Psychology

Session 1

Transpersonal Psychology

Introduction to Transpersonal Psychology

Carl Jung and Shadow Work

Fritz Pearls and Gestalt Therapy

Session 2

Developmental Psychology

Eric Erickson’s Stages of Development

Inner Child Healing

Birth Trauma

Session 3

Personal Transformation

Spiritual Technologies for Conscious Change



Session 4

Trauma Resolution

Introduction to Trauma
Shock and PTSD
Biohacks to Treat Shock

Session 5

Holistic Integrative Methodologies

Subtle Energy

Epigenetics and Ancestral Healing

Mind-Body-Spirit Connection

Session 6

Hypnotherapy and Altered States

Altered States of Consciousness

The Subconscious Mind

Age Regression and Past Life Regression

Transpersonal Psychology

All sessions will be recorded.

This online class is held via Zoom.

Kelly Bearer, MA, ACHT

Kelly is an Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist, Transpersonal Psychotherapist, Psychology Professor at Naropa University, Zen Monk and Founder of the Boulder Hypnotherapy Institute. She works with adults, adolescents, and pre-teens to overcome addictions, heal past traumas, conquer fear, fix relationships, find happiness and improve careers. She offers sessions both online and in-person at her Boulder, Colorado office.