Boulder, Colorado



What is Past Life Regression Therapy?

Many cultures, religions, psychologists, philosophers, and even scientists believe that we have not only lived before but that we can access these memories to have a richer experience in this current life.

Pioneer psychologist Carl Jung, near the end of his life, wrote:

“I could well imagine that I might have lived in former centuries and there encountered questions I was not yet able to answer; that I had been born again because I had not fulfilled the task given to me.”

He went on to speculate that he might have to be reborn again in order to find the answers still left undiscovered, or someone else would have to assume the task.

Regardless of your beliefs, Past Life Regression can be used therapeutically through hypnosis can be used to help your clients to:

1. Examine negative patterns in the current life and find root causes from the past, allowing them to release the unhealthy behaviors.

2. Examine current health issues and find causes from a past life, either an injury or death-wound and release the painful memory, getting relief.

3. Examine fears and phobias that do have an explanation in the client’s memory.

4. Examine painful relationships and see if the client has traveled with that soul or souls in a past life and repair or complete unfinished business in this life.

5. Understand dreams, familiarity, and/or fascination with a different time and place in history.

6. Stimulate creativity when working on projects like writing historical fiction, creating costumes, architecture, art, movies, sets, and shows.

7. Remembering Healthy Patterns, Perspective, Solutions, and Remedies from Past Lives to use today.

Past Life Regression Therapy has many applications and benefits. If you’re looking to add another revenue stream to your business and want to bring more spiritual healing work to your private practice, your clients, and the world join our 3-day Past Life Regression Training Certification.